KWK Resistors India Private
Limited is one of the best power
resistor manufacturers in India.
We specialize in manufacturing
custom Resistors and assemblies.
KWK Resistors is also The world’s
slimmest power wire wound
resistor manufacturer.
KWK Resistors have successfully
provided solutions to many
critical applications including
Aeroplanes, Defense equipment,
Healthcare equipments,
Elevators, Cranes, Material
handling systems apart from
generic electrical and electronic
applications. Check our KABR
series Metal Clad Braking
resistors, KAHB series Metal Clad
High Braking resistors, KCBR
Wirewound Braking resistors and
more on our website: www.kwk-
We manufacture a wide range of
Automotive resistors, wire wound
resistors, metal-cased resistors,
ceramic encased power resistors,
encapsulated high power
resistors, dynamic braking
resistors, Liquid-cooled power
KWK Resistors India Private
Limited, formed in 2013 as a
Joint Venture between three
leading Power Resistor
manufacturers - KS Instruments
Pvt Ltd, India; Krah Group,
Germany and Widap,
KWK Resistors India Pvt Ltd was
awarded the Second Prize for
excellence in ‘Manufacturing of
Components – MSME’ category at
the ELCINA defEnnovation Awards
KWK Resistors has received
various other Awards such as
‘Best Manufacturer Exporter
Award’ in 2017 by Federation of
Karnataka Chambers of
Commerce & Industry (FKCCI),
‘First prize for Small Scale
Export’ by Elcina-EFY in 2017,
‘Fastest growing SME of the year
2017’ by Suvarna news, ‘State
Export Excellence Award’ in 2016
and more.
We invite you to look around the
website for products of interest.
You can use our product search
function and the braking resistor
calculator on the website to find
resistor ranges that could suit
your requirements. If you still
don’t find what you are looking
for on the website, please drop
us an email at contact@kwk- or call us at +91 80
23370038, +91 80 23370046, we
provide the solution you are
looking for!